meet with my beloved hunn

assalamualaikum and hello to everyone.

today is Monday is equal to 5 Dec 2011 , I wanna meet hunn deanna yg stay dkat puncak alam tuh.
bfore this , tk prnah jumpa pun. first I looked her face so cute O.o
I felt shy bcause her mother and siblings ada jugak and also kak Intan. serious malu ohh >.<
about aroud 12 lbih lha kan , I meet them at KFC SECTION 18. 
makanmakan , borakborak and took so many picture.
after that , her mom ajak prgi tasik shah alam. so , kak Intan and I show the way.
took so many picture at there. ya Allah muka aku -_- kelakar doe. just ignore my face.
dorang semua comey. aku biasebiase je kayy :')
so , here the pic. act , I took from deanna's pic ;p shorry hunn :*

#look , she is so cute rite? trgugat iman ohh. love yaa hunn :*

now , kaki rse lenguh ohh. dh lama tk jalan jauhjauh. tpi best dgn family deanna.
seriously I said , they're so happening and her mother sporting maa.
and her siblings so cute like her :>
thanks makcik sbb hntar zera smpai rumah, hihi :3

now , zera dh rse sleepy , tired pun ada :'D boiboi everyone ! nyte yaa :*

Thank You for reading :*

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